Confirmation Classes
To be eligible to be Confirmed the student must be in the 7th grade or higher and must have at least two consecutive years of religios education. In order to recive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the 7th grade the student must attend classes while in the 6th grade.
A sponsor is required for Confirmation. A sponsor must be a Catholic adult who has received all of their Sacraments and at least 16 years old, who regularly receives the Sacraments and attends Mass on a regular basis.. A parent may not be a sponsor for their own child. The sponsor should be someone the student can talk to regularly and discuss faith related questions, an additional person to guide the student as he/she learns their faith.
There are approximately 20 - 25 class sessions each year. Students are here for just over an hour a week. It's not much time to learn about their faith so regular attendance is important. A student may not miss more than 5 classes. If you have shared custody or other attendance issues, please come and talk with me.
Parents and guardians are required to be registered parishioners of St. Joseph Parish.
Weekly Mass attendance is an important part of the St. Joseph Faith Formation Program. The 11am Mass begins shortly after the end of classes. We ask that parents and guardians make a serious effort to attend weekly Mass with their students. This is one way to demonstrate your commitment to your Catholic Faith and encourage your student by your good example. Each class attends the 9:00am Mass at least once.
Please feel free to call Atonio Latu, Coordinator of Religious Education if you have any further questions. 916-925-3584 ext 24