First Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist/Communion Classes
Classes will meet most Sundays from September to May
We prepare baptized students over a two year period. First year students learn basic details of the Catholic Faith. Second year students receive sacraments, if they are sufficiently prepared and ready. Students need to register for classes in two concurrent years. A Baptismal Certificate must be pressented for each student before registration can be completed.
Each registered student will be placed in the most appropriate class based on information from the registration forms so please complete forms carefully and completely.
There are approximately 20 - 25 class sessions each year. Students are here for just over an hour a week. It's not much time to learn about their faith so regular attendance is important. A student may not miss more than 5 classes. If you have shared custody or other attendance issues, please come and talk with me.
Our youngest students are in public school grades 1st & 2nd. To benefit from Faith Formation classes students need to be able to read and write. For this reason we do not register kindergarteners. Please note that the English speaking Faith Formation Program does not have sponsors for First Holy Communion.
Parents and guardians are required to be registered parishioners of St. Joseph Parish.
Weekly Mass attendance is an important part of the St. Joseph Faith Formation Program. The 11am Mass begins shortly after the end of classes. We ask that parents and guardians make a serious effort to attend weekly Mass with their students. This is one way to demonstrate your commitment to your Catholic Faith and encourage your student by your good example. Each class attends the 9:00am Mass at least once.
Please feel free to call Atonio Latu, Coordinator of Religious Education if you have any further questions. 916-925-3584 ext 24